Firefox 6 “eating” the web (or only cupcakes)? Firefox 6 is here, now what. Mozilla’s rapid release development cycle for Firefox is getting a bit out of hand as it seems that every 6-8 weeks they release a new full version of their browser which causes difficulties in enterprises. Even their Rapid Release Calendar looks insane. Don’t get me wrong, …’s tech support rocks!
For the second time ‘s technical support has proven amazing. They have been hosting several of my websites for years now and while I’ve been lucky enough not to have any technical issues, last night around midnight EST I had to contact them for assistance. Last night, I called about an issue with php version while modifying a plugin …
Internet Explorer 9 is here to compete
Internet Explorer (IE) 9 was released on Monday night and having used it a bit this week I can confidently say that it is a clear improvement over previous versions. The main improvement I noticed so far (besides obvious visual design enhancements) is its speed. It’s fast! This is in part accomplished with better operating system (OS) integration (I run …
Designing a client friendly website
We have all came across websites with a mass of links and never ending scroll bars of text which have frequently left us frustrated and annoyed. Being able to quickly find what you are looking for is important and websites with a clear structure who have also been properly indexed (site specific search) are a joy to visit. Unorganized sites …
Keep your websites secure
I‘m on a search for a few replacement windows and have been looking all over north New Jersey for a place that can provide them in less than the standard 2-6 weeks time frame. One of the places recommended to me was “Air-Chek Window Depot” in Clifton, NJ. First thing I did is went online to see if they had …
Facebook Terms of Use
Facebook has revised their Terms of Use recently and most notable changes basically state that they own all of your content from now until perpetuity. Under “Licenses” heading they state the following: You hereby grant Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to (a) use, copy, publish, stream, store, retain, publicly perform …
HSBC’s system maintenance
Déjà vu…I tried to access an account in the middle of a business day and wasn’t able to do so. Back in November I had a similar, but much stranger experience accessing an Aetna web account. Today, around noon or so I tried logging in to HSBC Direct, I got in, but couldn’t get an eStatement which is what I …
Inauguration Stream
I’ve been at work for close to two hours now and the most requested “support” call of the semester so far is “where can I watch the inauguration?” 🙂 When in need of info or a solution of any kind people always seem to turn to us, IT folks. Luckily this time the solution is easy. Point their web browsers …
Aetna web maintenance
I normally try not to rant online too much as it is really pointless and generally counterproductive. We have all experienced poor customer service, long waits and rude representatives, but at times certain behavior exceeds all stupidity. This is one of those times. Today, at 12:30 PM I have tried to log into an Aetna account and wasn’t able to …
iPhoneize your website
Several people I “follow” on Twitter have recommended Intersquash as a website that can make your site iPhone friendly. The process is simple and at the end of it your site (when viewed on an iPhone) will look something like this: As you can see, your site will get the “famous” iPhone gray look. You can even add an iPhone …
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