Planning our future and our goals is something we all do across both our personal and professional lives. Planning is good, but it is utterly useless without accompanying action. Lack of commitment to continuously making progress is the single largest cause of why most of us don’t reach majority of our major goals and keep postponing them year after year …
No more excuses, we’ve all had enough
No more excuses, we have all had enough of them for a lifetime. Talk is cheap, excuses plenty, but without action and execution you will never achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Stop coming up with excuses, reconnect with your why and take actionable steps forward towards your goals. The time is now to get closer to what …
Benefits of writing well
One of many valuable skills most of us will need in life, in our professional lives in particular is the ability to write well. Being able to write well will help you get your ideas across, secure buy-in and achieve the following with your reader/supervisor/client (whoever your intended audience may be): Get their attention Share your vision Spark imagination Demonstrate …
Never stop learning
Learning is essential and as such should never stop. Do what you can to broaden your horizons each and every day; learn something new and don’t forget to contribute to your respective areas and professions as well. Educate yourself formally and informally, get involved (attend conferences, seminars; read books, journals, websites…) and expand your experiences. Do all of this with …
Book review: Jab, jab, jab, right hook
Jab, jab, jab, right hook is the latest book by Gary Vaynerchuk. In short, in reminds all (and teaches some) brands to care about their customers and communities by providing value, engaging and building trust prior to asking for that sale (aka. the right hook). If you are familiar with Gary and his work you have probably read his first …
Experience trumps education
As someone who has attended his fair share of academic programs and has definitely found value in each of them I have to say that education is important and should never truly end. It is a process, not a finite event and can come in many forms and shapes. However, first-hand experience with particular products, services or technologies beats anything …
Opportunities and new clients don’t come announced
Be yourself at all times, as you never know when a random encounter can develop into an opportunity. These opportunities could be personal or business related, but they often workout when least expected from random meetings and very casual conversations. Treat all those around you fairly, be positive and optimistic and keep living your life centered around who and what …
Looking for book suggestions
As things begin to settle down a bit in my life I would like to get back to reading books. Please share your recommendations.
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle is one of the new products getting a lot of media attention and generating user excitement. While interesting and much better than the previous version I just don’t find it that exciting or something I would purchase for myself. I guess, it’s just not for me.