Know your pitch and don’t lie to your audience, whether they are prospective or current clients. By the way, this exchange took place in January of 2020 at my previous university in Jersey City, NJ.
Unknown audience
Get out there and meet new people. I keep saying this as you never know you might meet at these events. One can’t predict who also might be in the attendance and who could be helpful to you in the near future. Also, offer help to others as well as that is how your reputation is built in part. Always …
How to improve your presentation skills
Preparation, experience and confidence…those are some of the things that matter when preparing for your presentation and subsequently, while presenting it. In particular, focus on your slides (if you are using them), make them visual and whatever you do, DON’T READ your slides. Furthermore, engage your audience in a relaxed, casual conversation, invite people to comment and even interrupt as …
Benefits of writing well
One of many valuable skills most of us will need in life, in our professional lives in particular is the ability to write well. Being able to write well will help you get your ideas across, secure buy-in and achieve the following with your reader/supervisor/client (whoever your intended audience may be): Get their attention Share your vision Spark imagination Demonstrate …
Effective presentations
Delivering effective presentations is a bit of both, art and science. You will get better with each passing presentation so make sure you rehearse and time yourself. Additionally, here are some valuable concepts to keep in mind as you prepare to deliver that next million dollar presentation: Dress appropriately (based on the event and audience) Familiarize yourself with the space …
Know your audience
Yes, it sounds like a cliche, but it is an extremely valuable piece of information as you advance through your career and have opportunities to work with people of different backgrounds, experience and knowledge. Make it about them, make your presentations and pitches make sense to them and bring them value.