In order for us to continue to grow, learn, improve and advance, we need to be mindful of our areas for potential improvement. For me, one of them is certainly not overextending myself and entering “swim lanes” of others. While I will always continue to ask questions and provide ideas and suggestions, it is important to let things go when …
How to improve your presentation skills
Preparation, experience and confidence…those are some of the things that matter when preparing for your presentation and subsequently, while presenting it. In particular, focus on your slides (if you are using them), make them visual and whatever you do, DON’T READ your slides. Furthermore, engage your audience in a relaxed, casual conversation, invite people to comment and even interrupt as …
Keep asking questions
Keep asking questions as they will enable you to continue learning while contributing to the process at the same time. Don’t be someone who sits in meetings and doesn’t contribute with ideas, thoughts and experiences as that is a sure way to become irrelevant and overlooked when major projects and initiatives come around. As someone who wants to grow, learn …
Best job interview advice: be yourself!
Job interviews are an important and (for most) unavoidable process in transition between your current place of employment and the next chapter of your career. While I have made a video about in-person interview tips, I want to take a moment to focus on the most important advice of them all: be yourself! No matter what happens or what you …
5 interview questions to ask employer
You are nearing the end of an interview where you have been asked a number of questions and now it is your turn to ask a few of your own. While there is no requirement to ask questions, it is always a good idea to do so as it shows interest, preparation and desire to join the team. Having said …
Leaders ask questions
As you get an opportunity to meet with people who are tasking you and your team with a project or an operational or strategic need please remember to ask relevant, clarifying questions. Clarify all that isn’t clear and ask questions as soon as you have an opportunity. Don’t make assumptions that someone else sitting around that table will ask the …
Effective presentations
Delivering effective presentations is a bit of both, art and science. You will get better with each passing presentation so make sure you rehearse and time yourself. Additionally, here are some valuable concepts to keep in mind as you prepare to deliver that next million dollar presentation: Dress appropriately (based on the event and audience) Familiarize yourself with the space …