Time is elusive, it can’t be grouped, limited, can’t be controlled…it simply keeps on moving and ticking away whether we like it or not. What we do have control over is what we do with our time and how do we spend it. Audit your life to see if you are spending time on small insignificant things which don’t matter in the great scheme of life or are you more intentional and strategic towards achievement and attainment of your goals. Our goals will and do vary, they will change, evolve and grow, but the way we get to them will always be the same, by putting in the necessary work. Nothing will ever replace the hard work we all must put in to reach our goals. Talent, skills, connections…they will all play a part in easing the process, but the work is the only true constant which is non-negotiable and is here to stay.
Are you working hard enough towards what you want or have you though of another excuse today? Being honest with yourself (not anyone else) is a prerequisite for change.