Expectations, standards and what you believe in will go a long way towards determining your final outcome, your performance and contributions.
Branding vs. sales & marketing
Branding your business and yourself is a massively important strategy that will assist with your long-term viability and sustainability. Your reputation, your accomplishments precede you and people will be mindful of what you do before they reach out to you for an opportunity. Great brands stay a lot longer while sales come and go. Strong brands will survive and endure …
How to build your reputation
You are only as good as your last performance. We have all heard this statement or a variation of it and unfortunately, in most organizations, it is partially true. I say partially true as your overall performance and contributions are more important than any single project, service improvement or business development opportunity. Your reputation as a whole is what matters. …
Capture ideas and make them a reality
Write your ideas down, think about them, follow through and make them a reality. Productive, valuable ideas come at random times and it is important to catch them before they escape your mind and your grasp. Even more importantly, put some time aside to think them through, do your feasibility research and follow through. Turning ideas into reality is what …
What will be your legacy?
What will be your legacy? Have you asked yourself that question lately or ever? Does it even matter to you? This topic was brought up by a colleague of mine this morning and it stuck with me long after the conversation was over. What do we all do each and every single day; is it something worthy of our skills, …