How to motivate employees? In short, flexibility. People are motivated by different things based on their character, integrity, priorities, age…and many other factors. To some it is time in the office; to others it is a corner office and a title; or it could be money (salary and bonuses)…and the list is nearly endless. Find out what are cultural and …
Working 9 to 5? Why?
How many of us work or have worked the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM? I would guess quite a few. How many of us have asked why are those the hours we work and are they truly the only preferred (available) option? I would wager to say, not as many. If you are leading a team, provide your …
React to market demands or you’ll lose
As you work to grow your business or your own personal reputation within an organization or across an industry, it is important to be aware of the environment you operate within. Analysis and assessment of market trends, shifts and needs is essential for future growth and sustainability. As we all know, needs and demands change all the time, which is …
Keep your eyes on the prize
Do you know what you want? This is a simple, yet very serious and influential question everyone should ask themselves on a regular basis. Are you currently working and living how and where you want to be and if not, why not? What is it that you haven’t been doing in order to reach what you have defined as success? …