How are you showing up today?
Encourage creativity
Promote, encourage and support creativity. Help people break out of mundane routines and get them to create, lead and own their destiny.
Put it on paper
I have developed a habit of writing important goals, plans and thoughts on paper. While I also have major things of importance in digital format on my phone (and other devices), there’s something about taking a pen and a piece of paper and writing them down, one by one. It is this process of reflection, thought and planing that often …
Little Red Riding Hood (Embedded Video)
Looking to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or any of the other popular video sites? No problem at all. Simply take the embed video code, add it to the video settings, and you’re done.
Challenge status quo
Challenge status quo! Now, that’s easily said, but it has to make sense, serve a purpose and be done with value and improvements in mind. In all you do, look for improvements, advancements and opportunities to contribute to a great good, one that would benefit everyone you work with. A certain path to irrelevance and becoming obsolete is lack of …
Creative thinking required
Creativity and originality are at times challenging to come by in most organizations. Way too frequently folks follow the same path that was cut by those before them without considering all available options. It is imperative to consider alternatives and ensure that you and your business are using the best available solutions and are not simply maintaining status quo. At …
Be the change you want to see
Be the change you want to see in your workplace. Or, more globally, as Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Don’t wait for permission to be positive, to think differently and be creative. Don’t wait for appointment or a decree to be innovative and to approach problems with focus on solutions and opportunities. …
How to improve job interview skills?
I love how creative my friends are, but using real job interviews as mock interviews? Now, I’ve heard it all. Allow me to explain. A friend of mine has been on a career advancement search in recent months and as one of his references I was privileged to the positions he has applied for. While all of them were within …
Relaxed and creative environment
One of many leadership responsibilities (both formal and informal) is to create and maintain a relaxed and creative environment for your team as that is a major prerequisite to them performing at their very best. Be professional, courteous and aware of varying needs of your team members, but ensure that each of them enjoys being part of that team.