Good ideas won’t interrupt you rudely and unexpectedly in a middle of your day, during a meeting or a call. They will patiently wait for you to seek them out, to do your research, to speak with others and perhaps even read a few books along the way. If you are looking for change, progress and growth, it is up …
Creative thinking required
Creativity and originality are at times challenging to come by in most organizations. Way too frequently folks follow the same path that was cut by those before them without considering all available options. It is imperative to consider alternatives and ensure that you and your business are using the best available solutions and are not simply maintaining status quo. At …
Speak openly, honestly and frequently
Speak openly, honestly and frequently. Think for yourself, leverage your experience, knowledge and education to arrive to your own conclusions. Don’t simply follow the majority and fall into complacency, lack of action and lack of commitment. You should be represented by your own actions, not by actions of others. Stand up and speak up on items you feel strongly about …
Be the change you want to see
Be the change you want to see in your workplace. Or, more globally, as Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Don’t wait for permission to be positive, to think differently and be creative. Don’t wait for appointment or a decree to be innovative and to approach problems with focus on solutions and opportunities. …
Innovate first, take the lead
As you notice opportunities for improvements, both strategic and operational, take the lead, innovate first and get those advancements in place. Don’t worry about getting the credit or recognition and don’t do it with that motivation in mind. Focus on improving lives of others, such as your clients, your team, your partners and after all, yourself. Recognition for achievements will …
People matter the most
People matter the most and as such they should be the primary focus of every leader at every level in every organization. Attracting quality personnel to your team(s) is essential in order to be efficient, effective and competitive. Focus your search and positioning on quality over quantity, every single time. While it is very important to have adequate resources (funding, …
Strategy vs. Operations
Strategy and operations work best when complementing one another and when they work for each other. Depending on your position and responsibilities within an organization you may be spending 100% of your time in operations while others may be spending majority of their time focused on strategy, vision and leadership and both sides undoubtedly bring value. However, while I am …