Performance speaks for itself

Performance speaks for itself, every single time. Performance will say a lot more about you and your accomplishments over time than any marketing campaign ever could. Having said that, I see value in promotion, marketing and building awareness of your products and services and your own personal capabilities, but please don’t over do it and don’t make promises you can’t …

Stop wasting time, you can’t buy it back

Don’t waste time. In life, in business, in career, in all you do, wasting time is a significant deficiency for most and it should be taken more seriously as time can’t be bought back, it can’t be recouped. If you know that a particular place is no longer the right fit for you, it is critical not to continue wasting …

Innovate first, take the lead

As you notice opportunities for improvements, both strategic and operational, take the lead, innovate first and get those advancements in place. Don’t worry about getting the credit or recognition and don’t do it with that motivation in mind. Focus on improving lives of others, such as your clients, your team, your partners and after all, yourself. Recognition for achievements will …