How are you showing up today?
Adjust your attitude
Growing up, how many times have you heard the following words from your parents: Adjust your attitude. Well, as you now know, they were even more right then you thought at the time. Your attitude matters, your determination and motivation to succeed is of crucial importance as you move through various opportunities and challenges in life. This same attitude will …
Entitlement will get you nowhere
We are all equal and organizational rules, policies and procedures apply to all alike. Do your best, no matter how urgent something is not to become a person who comes off as entitled; who believes and acts as if they are better than others, because chances are that you are not. Arrogant and entitled behavior actually speaks volumes about you …
Sustaining new year’s momentum
New year is here and for most of us today is our first day at work in 2011. As we woke up on January 1st (and sobered up) we were generally highly motivated to stick with the resolutions we made last week/year and believe that this year it will be different, that it will be better somehow. New year always …