Lead by example

Dear leaders, you must lead by example and as such you should never ask anyone on your teams to do things you haven’t done in the past or anything you wouldn’t do today. While you may not be as good as others on your team in a particular area (out of practice), it is essential to demonstrate your willingness to …

What’s your story?

What is your story? What is the excuse you keep telling yourself for not going after all the things you want and deserve in life, in career, in business, health, family…what is it, do you know? Now, that you are being honest with yourself, let’s take this moment to reflect on what you truly desire in life and career. Do …

You are your biggest competitor

Excuses are cheap and everyone has at least a few they always go to. Some of those excuses are lack of time, resources, support, talent, money, connections, people…and the list goes on and on. However, those of us who are honest with ourselves and that is something all of us should be, we quickly realize that our biggest competition is …

Adjust your attitude

Growing up, how many times have you heard the following words from your parents: Adjust your attitude. Well, as you now know, they were even more right then you thought at the time. Your attitude matters, your determination and motivation to succeed is of crucial importance as you move through various opportunities and challenges in life. This same attitude will …

Push your employees over the edge then be there to catch them

Push your employees “off the edge” and be there to help them land safely. Get them out of their comfort zone and enable their growth, advancement and provide them with opportunities. At times, you will come across folks who lack confidence and belief in their abilities and it is on you as a leader to find a way to reinvigorate …

Major accomplishments are marathons, not sprints

Accomplishments require effort, commitment, focus and skill. Major accomplishments require more of each of those attributes and then some. Keep focusing on making progress each day even if that progress are small steps, as one day, all of those small steps will be added together into a successfully completed marathon. Now, that I have reminded myself of that as well, …