You are your biggest competitor

Excuses are cheap and everyone has at least a few they always go to. Some of those excuses are lack of time, resources, support, talent, money, connections, people…and the list goes on and on.

However, those of us who are honest with ourselves and that is something all of us should be, we quickly realize that our biggest competition is ourselves. We must own our responsibilities and our success (or lack of it) and decide that everything starts with us. It is up to each of us to do everything we need to do to ensure success, progress and positive and desired outcomes. It is on us to do the work, research, improvements, networking, make investments in time, effort, energy, focus and money in order to be successful. It is our responsibility to continue growing, learning, advancing and improving if we are to attain all those things and states we so “desperately” want.

Ask yourself, what have you done today and was it aligned with what you want to achieve. If it is not, why do you keep doing it?

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