Stop playing it safe, take risks, act and live your life to the fullest. You know what you dream of, what you think of when no one is around. Now, that you have spent months, frequently even years thinking about it, it’s time to take action and work towards those goals.
Quitting, self-defeat, six suitcases and your purpose
Quitting on your dreams and your goals should never be one of your options. You are not done until you achieve them and no matter what others may say, you are not defeated until you admit self-defeat. I came to the U.S. with six suitcases, my parents and I were allowed to bring two each when we arrived to Paterson, …
You are not allowed to quit!
Are you in pursuit of a lifelong goal? Is it getting tough to get there? Have you started doubting yourself and are you considering settling for something less? Are you thinking about giving up? Well…you won’t and here’s why. You are not allowed to quit going after what you truly want and what you truly see as your goal. You …
Balanced life
We are all different and unique in our own ways and as such we are driven by different things, people, goals and ideas. One of the greatest advice I have received by those I admire is to find what I care about and enjoy and what do I want to do for years to come. Once you do a bit …