The mother of all success is discipline. Think about your major accomplishments over the last year, five or ten and you will see that they (whether personal or professional) were heavily dependent on your ability to be disciplined. Did you complete a degree; get that new job; change your career entirely; move across the country or across the world; have …
16 hours
Each day, you have 16 waking hours, if you sleep 8 hours that as, not 4-5 like I do. 😉 It is these 16 hours that determine your progress, growth and future potential. Audit and review these hours and see whether they are used in support of your goals and plans, or are those plans and goals simply talking points …
Massive action required
How do we get from A to B (no matter what those might represent) is always influenced, impacted and frequently determined by our own ACTION. Thoughts and ideas and important, but none of them will see the light of day without effort, energy, hard work all of which can be summarized in one word, action.
Don’t use age as an excuse
Your age is not an excuse for you not to switch industries or for you not to try something entirely new, perhaps a business of your own. Your age is not an excuse or a reason for you not to be the first one to accomplish something in your age group or among the few early success stories. If anyone …
Quitting vs. wasting time
Quitting vs. wasting time, do you know the difference? All major accomplishments require commitment, focus, attention and energy and above all, hard work. If you truly want something, quitting is never one of the options.
Greatness requires discipline
Greatness requires discipline. While your talents and innate abilities are outside your immediate control, what you can control is work, effort, energy and commitment. All of which require you to be disciplined and intentional with your time, responsibilities and priorities.