While there are many ways to address those who constantly complain (while not contributing nearly as much), this is one of many ways I have found valuable over the course of my career. Try it and let me know what you think. Also, share other ideas on how to contain and minimize negativity and constant complaints without any constructive ideas …
Winners win, that’s what they do
Winners win, that’s what they do. They take change of their lives and their careers and they actively drive change and progress towards goals and ultimate success. On this journey, they don’t whine, complain or blame others for where they are, but rather take their responsibilities seriously and own their actions and decisions.
Complaining is not a strategy
Complaining is not a business strategy. While we all complain at times (rightfully so if I might add), it is essential to focus on reducing complaints and focusing on positive contributions and collaborative work towards solutions. Complaints on their own provide no value and often result in further negative approach to whatever the environment might be at the moment.
Stop complaining
STOP COMPLAINING! Stop it now as it serves no purpose to you or those you complain to. Negativity is a horrible trait and it will only detract from your goals and plans and will bring no value to anyone. Challenges are part of life, accept them, embrace them and move forward towards solutions and success. Make progress each day, stay …