Professional references

Resume and the cover letter are done, now onto references. When deciding who to ask to be your reference consider folks who are your professional level or even higher. Focus on people you have worked with and who can honestly give a knowledgeable and obviously favorable review of your performance, achievements and character. Additionally, make sure to ask people you …

Cover letters

Cover letters are of great importance as they complete your initial application packet along with your resume. They must be custom tailored for each particular position and organization, never a copy or a duplicate which you have used previously. Here are some important things to consider as you write that great cover letter which will serve as an invitation to …

Be considerate and kind to others

Be considerate and kind to others. Treat them with respect, kindness and dignity. If you take away titles, positions, corner offices, organizational charts…in the end, we are all people and should treat each other that way. Now, don’t confuse the previous statement with becoming a “doormat” for someone as there will always be a few people (a minority however) who …

Don’t be afraid, explore new opportunities

Don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities. Say yes to cross-functional teams, projects and challenges which will help you gain new perspectives, grow and learn from others. During these opportunities others will hopefully learn from you as well and all those involved will benefit from this mutual exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience. Finally, once you return to your primary …

Overworked employees

Overworked employees are unhappy, they make mistakes and they are not contributing at their optimal levels of performance. They are constantly under pressure which has negative impact on their health and lives outside work as well (you do remember that work is only a PART of people’s lives, right?). While I understand that in certain professions and industries one can …

Organizational policies must be communicated

Whether it is a new policy or an update to an existing one, all changes must be clearly communicated across the organization and an official start date needs to be set. Furthermore, enterprise policies needs to be written with your organization, people, culture in mind – don’t simply copy them from other organizations as they won’t make sense in your …

New? Listen, absorb and learn, then act

Started a new job? First order of business is to listen, absorb and learn the culture, environment and players within. Depending on your placement within the organization the impact of your decisions and actions will vary and as such it is essential to educate yourself with the current state of affairs. Your experience is essential, but don’t assume that every …