Surround yourself with amazing people

Promote, encourage and even demand learning and exchanges of ideas across your organizations and your teams. As I often say, best ideas must win and as such it is essential for leaders to create environments where it is safe to fail, safe to dissent and have respectful, collaborative conversations. Surround yourself with amazing people. People who are passionate, excited and …

Don’t sweat the small stuff

99% of things don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Keeping this in mind and in perspective it is essential to spend your time, energy, effort and resources on things that do matter. Focus on what matters and what is important, not on those who are loud and in desperate need of attention or on responsibilities which don’t really …

How to make money: 4 major areas to focus on

One way or another, we all want to be compensated for the value we provide, for the work we put in. Whether this is a salary, a bonus, contract pay…your products and services should be valuable and therefore you should be paid for them. That’s simple enough. However, money on its own shouldn’t be your only or major objective as …

How to pitch your project, product or service

Pitching your project, product or service is a necessary step in entering a new market or a segment. It is a necessary skill in getting the word out, in attracting investors and in staying in business in general. Furthermore, during your presentations you should be prepared for all the questions that might and will come your way. You must do …

Success requires both talent & hard work

Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …

Presidents won’t solve your problems

As we all strive for progress and greater accomplishments, it is important to understand that each of us are creators of our own destiny. Presidents or anyone else for that matter are not the ones who will solve your problems. Spending more time with family and friends; attaining a better job; earning more money; buying a vacation home, cars, boats, …