Overwhelmed? Breathe and move one step at a time

24 hours in a day don’t seem like enough for most folks nowadays. We have families, friends, businesses, schools, hobbies, sports…to attend to and they are all competing for our time and attention. At times, this can be stress inducing and result in feeling overwhelmed, feeling like you can’t get anything done. Well, when you feel this way (ideally BEFORE …

Scope creep will kill your projects

Managing the scope of your projects is an acquired skill, one that should not be taken lightly. If you don’t freeze the scope chances are that you will not deliver a successful project. It is as simple as that, if the requirements keep changing while the resources and timeline remain the same you are quickly approaching a point of no …

Change is inevitable, embrace it

Change is generally a beautiful thing when it means progress, advancement, improvement and growth. If we look at our history of advancements, education and improvements (and focus on the positive aspects) each passing generation has produced value to those yet to come. With this in mind, please continuously seek improvements by dedicating time and attention to improving everything you and …

One conversation at a time, no side chatter & respect the calendar

Communication is an essential pillar in building successful teams, but at times, it needs to be managed. While in meetings it is essential for everyone to be on the same page and focused on the topic at hand. People must be both physically and mentally present and engaged into what the team is working on. This is something that I …

Make progress and don’t compare yourself to others

Make progress, don’t chase perfection and most importantly don’t compare yourself to others. Move towards your goals each day and don’t get discouraged by seeing someone who is at this time further along the path than you may be. Most of them have started from zero, and with time, effort, hustle and commitment have advanced to their present state. You …

Respect employees’ personal time

Respect your employees personal time. Please do your best not to “bother” your staff (except in rare, emergency situations of course) outside their work hours with work related questions and responsibility. If you find yourself consistently contacting people outside work hours chances are that there’s a big problem at play. You may have “bottlenecks” within your operations and you should …