Best ideas must win

Best ideas must win. They must win irrespective of who brought them up and how long that person has been with your organization. Whether they are a CEO, a President, or another executive or a temporary employee who started last week, quality ideas must always be enabled to rise to the top. Diversity of opinions, experiences, backgrounds and education is …

You get what you pay for

When making enterprise decisions look beyond the initial cost and consider total cost of ownership (TCO), usability and user experience. While current cost is an important line item it shouldn’t be the main (or only) factor to consider when deciding which systems or services to implement or who to hire and promote. Look at the overall value that particular enterprise …

Give people your undivided attention

Wherever you may be, especially when in smaller groups, please provide your colleagues and coworkers the respect that you would expect in return. Give them your undivided attention, focus on what they are saying and the message or need that they are conveying at that time. Focusing your attention on them demonstrates your commitment to their need and clearly displays …