You will grow and you will learn, but you will never “make it”

Each of has has our own goals that we want to accomplish and those goals are frequently modified before they are actually realized. As we achieve our goals, we set news ones and that process never ends for most people. There is always something we want to accomplish, whether professionally or personally and as such one rarely even reaches the …

How to staff your team during training

Providing training to your team is essential in order to continue improving the quality of services you offer as well as to enhance career development opportunities. However, when training takes place, it is important not to neglect services you currently provide. The actual staffing process depends on the size of your team, services you provide and training opportunities and schedule. …

Set clear expectations, you are not a puppet

As the (wo)man, the myth, the legend continues to grow and your capabilities, accomplishments and skills become known to a wider audience you will often begin receiving invitations to join projects and tasks outside your current core responsibilities. These are great opportunities to learn new things, meet new people and help others with what you know so please take advantage …

Take your talents where they belong

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or lack challenges where you currently are, please leave. Life is way too short for you to waste it away where you don’t belong. Think about your talents and capabilities and then take them where they would have the greatest positive impact on lives of others. Providing value to others will result in revenue generation …