Time. The value of time. It is something you can’t buy or acquire. We all have 24 hours in a day, what matters is how we use those hours each day.
Why do you care what people think?
Why does it matter what people say? Why does it matter so much to so many of us that we will stop pursuing our goals, passions and what makes us happy? Why do we empower and enable others to have control over how we live our own lives; why is it that we will rather fly under the radar and …
Stop wasting time, you can’t buy it back
Don’t waste time. In life, in business, in career, in all you do, wasting time is a significant deficiency for most and it should be taken more seriously as time can’t be bought back, it can’t be recouped. If you know that a particular place is no longer the right fit for you, it is critical not to continue wasting …
Motivation is nothing without action
It’s Monday and people are motivated, once again. 😉 Well, they are either motivated to begin something new or are somewhat unhappy doing what they have been doing for a while. Either way, most are looking for a change, a change that will rarely arrive in time, mostly due to the lack of daily, consistent actions. Motivation is needed, it …
Don’t sweat the small stuff
99% of things don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Keeping this in mind and in perspective it is essential to spend your time, energy, effort and resources on things that do matter. Focus on what matters and what is important, not on those who are loud and in desperate need of attention or on responsibilities which don’t really …
Success requires both talent & hard work
Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …
One life, make it count
ONE LIFE, MAKE IT COUNT! As far as we all know, we each get one chance at life and as such we should value it a lot more, respect those of others and do everything that we can to make it better, more enjoyable and fulfilling. Your past is exactly that, your past, it is gone, it is behind you …
Negativity has no place in your life
Negativity is pointless. Simple as that, there is no point or value in it. Instead, one should reflect on their current state as well as on past achievements and even more importantly focus on future endeavors and potential opportunities. Negativity is not your thing, let it be someone else’s problem. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who have your …
I’m stressed, help me!
Sooner or later, a time will come for most when they will feel overwhelmed, stressed and stretched too thin. It will feel like 24 hours in a day are simply not enough to accomplish it all. Well, when that time comes (or if it is already here) please note that you are not alone and that solutions exist. Focusing on …
You are not allowed to quit!
Are you in pursuit of a lifelong goal? Is it getting tough to get there? Have you started doubting yourself and are you considering settling for something less? Are you thinking about giving up? Well…you won’t and here’s why. You are not allowed to quit going after what you truly want and what you truly see as your goal. You …