Lead by example

Dear leaders, you must lead by example and as such you should never ask anyone on your teams to do things you haven’t done in the past or anything you wouldn’t do today. While you may not be as good as others on your team in a particular area (out of practice), it is essential to demonstrate your willingness to …

Are you an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Becoming an entrepreneur, a successful CEO who has built their business from the ground up is filled with challenges, trials and tribulations and as such it shouldn’t be taken lightly. For most people, being a #4 or #14 in an organization is a much more manageable, acceptable and stress-free arrangement, one they welcome and …

5 interview questions to ask candidates

Here are 5 interview questions to ask candidates and job applicants that I have found useful over the years: Tell me about yourself? What motivates you? Why this position, business and industry? Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? What can I answer for you? Additionally, I spoke about 5 interview questions to ask employer which is the other …

Stop wasting time, you can’t buy it back

Don’t waste time. In life, in business, in career, in all you do, wasting time is a significant deficiency for most and it should be taken more seriously as time can’t be bought back, it can’t be recouped. If you know that a particular place is no longer the right fit for you, it is critical not to continue wasting …

Motivation is nothing without action

It’s Monday and people are motivated, once again. 😉 Well, they are either motivated to begin something new or are somewhat unhappy doing what they have been doing for a while. Either way, most are looking for a change, a change that will rarely arrive in time, mostly due to the lack of daily, consistent actions. Motivation is needed, it …

Leaders are authentic and consistent

Leaders must not only be honest, truthful and knowledgeable, but the very best of them are authentic and consistent as well. If you make a decision, stand behind it across all challenges (both internal and external) and communicate authentically across the enterprise. People you work with must know why you made the choices you have made and they need to …