How to build your reputation

You are only as good as your last performance. We have all heard this statement or a variation of it and unfortunately, in most organizations, it is partially true. I say partially true as your overall performance and contributions are more important than any single project, service improvement or business development opportunity. Your reputation as a whole is what matters. …

Don’t blame others, help them

A mistake was made, what should one do next? The easiest thing for some people is to point fingers at others and take no responsibility for their own actions. While this selfish behavior might help them in that particular instance, long term, it will hurt them, their reputation, integrity and future relationships within the organization. Be a man or a …

Like it or not, you still have to work together

Personalities clash and people have disagreements, but those shouldn’t become insurmountable obstacles towards collaboration, productivity and advancement. Difference of opinions, ideas and originality is what makes organizations what they are and what they are yet to become. Whether you have initially (un)successfully collaborated with someone or not shouldn’t determine your long-term relationship and collaboration efforts. Make an effort, reach out …

Building effective advisory boards

Effective and valuable advisory boards much have a purpose and provide measurable contributions to the top management teams and organizations as a whole. While in some companies certain folks are invited to join boards simply because of their name and popularity (which can be beneficial) in most instances you want members to contribute. Contributions of effective advisory boards can vary, …

Build relationships and partnerships with vendors

Build relationships and partnerships with vendors providing services for your organization. No matter how large they may be they should never have an upper hand on your organization; you should work together towards a mutually beneficial relationship so don’t allow to be in a subservient position. Start your selection process by focusing on the needs of your organization, then research …