Performance speaks for itself, every single time. Performance will say a lot more about you and your accomplishments over time than any marketing campaign ever could. Having said that, I see value in promotion, marketing and building awareness of your products and services and your own personal capabilities, but please don’t over do it and don’t make promises you can’t …
This is a team: in or out?
Business is a team sport. All top performing organizations have arrived there through a lot of work by a lot of people, never a single individual alone. Furthermore, on many teams, certain star players with particular functional (technical) skills have been know to take advantage of the environment they are in. This behavior should not be tolerated and allowed as …
Talent is never enough
Talent alone doesn’t stand a chance without grit, work and determination. We all know someone who had an abundance of talent who never realized their potential as they didn’t have to work ethic needed to make that talent shine and provide value. When I speak about reaching full potential, I don’t mean money and financial gains (even thought they help), …
You become your expectations
Expectations, standards and what you believe in will go a long way towards determining your final outcome, your performance and contributions.
We all make mistakes
Mistakes are part of life, part of business. There is no such thing as perfection so the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be that much closer to progress, advancement and growth. None of us are perfect and as such it is important NOT to point out every single mistake. When it comes to leaders, they should be …
Invest in people first
People must come first in all you do and here’s why. If you invest time, attention, focus and financial resources into attracting, retaining and growing the best people you can afford you will be positioned adequately to improve and grow your business. It all starts with people first, then processes, policies, followed by technology and everything else in THAT order. …
5 interview questions to ask candidates
Here are 5 interview questions to ask candidates and job applicants that I have found useful over the years: Tell me about yourself? What motivates you? Why this position, business and industry? Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? What can I answer for you? Additionally, I spoke about 5 interview questions to ask employer which is the other …
Don’t blame others, it’s all you
Don’t blame anyone else for your performance, as it is YOUR performance. While I have said this time and time again, I was reminded of it and humbled by it a few days ago as a number of people have been waiting on my contributions in order for certain processes to move forward. It was all me, my fault, my …
Don’t take yourself too seriously
While most of us do or at least hope to be able to do important, meaningful and valuable work, it is important to remain playful and to not take yourself too seriously in business and in life. Take a cue from your children (if you are fortunate to have them) or from those you see in a course of your …
How to plan your day, week, month, year (no more “to do” lists)
Planning our future and our goals is something we all do across both our personal and professional lives. Planning is good, but it is utterly useless without accompanying action. Lack of commitment to continuously making progress is the single largest cause of why most of us don’t reach majority of our major goals and keep postponing them year after year …