Plan ahead, but live in the moment

Plan ahead, but live in the moment. Don’t allow today to be wasted because you are daydreaming about next week, month, year or even a decade. Always have long-term plans and goals, but work hard each day to get that much closer to those goals. Make progress one day at a time, patiently, yet efficiently and effectively.

Performance speaks for itself

Performance speaks for itself, every single time. Performance will say a lot more about you and your accomplishments over time than any marketing campaign ever could. Having said that, I see value in promotion, marketing and building awareness of your products and services and your own personal capabilities, but please don’t over do it and don’t make promises you can’t …

People who don’t belong in meetings

Ahhh meetings…the place where so much time is wasted, never to be recovered again. While, in my experience, half of them are entirely useless, at times it is essential to bring the right people together to make decisions, take actions and move forward. When it comes to inviting people to join a meeting here are a few types you shouldn’t …