Overworked employees

Overworked employees are unhappy, they make mistakes and they are not contributing at their optimal levels of performance. They are constantly under pressure which has negative impact on their health and lives outside work as well (you do remember that work is only a PART of people’s lives, right?). While I understand that in certain professions and industries one can …

Who inspires you and why?

Who inspires you professionally? In this instance, I am not taking family, friends and historical figures into account even though all of them could be significant sources of inspiration. What I mean is who is currently an inspiration to you from the professional stand point? For me, two very different (age, background, experience, approach…) entrepreneurs come to mind instantaneously and …

New? Listen, absorb and learn, then act

Started a new job? First order of business is to listen, absorb and learn the culture, environment and players within. Depending on your placement within the organization the impact of your decisions and actions will vary and as such it is essential to educate yourself with the current state of affairs. Your experience is essential, but don’t assume that every …

Opportunities and new clients don’t come announced

Be yourself at all times, as you never know when a random encounter can develop into an opportunity. These opportunities could be personal or business related, but they often workout when least expected from random meetings and very casual conversations. Treat all those around you fairly, be positive and optimistic and keep living your life centered around who and what …