Don’t sweat the small stuff

99% of things don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Keeping this in mind and in perspective it is essential to spend your time, energy, effort and resources on things that do matter. Focus on what matters and what is important, not on those who are loud and in desperate need of attention or on responsibilities which don’t really …

Success requires both talent & hard work

Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …

Do you know what motivates your employees?

Know your people, their hopes and dreams and do what you can to enable them to be successful. We are all motivated by different things and reasons that drive us to contribute and perform at exceptional levels. For some it is money, career advancement and growth; for others, work-life balance and more time with their families; for some people it …

Don’t let others decide your future

Decide what you want to do and go after it. Don’t allow someone else’s opinion to shape your future,, your career, your advancement and progress…your life. Listen to the opinions of your friends and family, but make the decision for yourself and go after your goals and ambitions. Be brave as luck favors those who are brave and intentional about …

Life, health, family and a Ph.D.

I am finally breathing again! That is such a simple fact of life we take for granted until it becomes a challenge and an issue. Over the past week, I have dealt with respiratory issues (bronchitis) along with our three year old boy having a hairline fracture on his metatarsal bone (right foot) which is very challenging considering how much …

Your major goals shouldn’t be trusted to New Year’s resolutions

Another year is here, and most of us are looking over our resolutions and feel energized about all these potential accomplishments that lie ahead. However, if we fast forward a few months, the majority of people will no longer be as excited or as motivated to follow though and stick to making these resolutions a reality. Why is this happening …

Respect employees’ personal time

Respect your employees personal time. Please do your best not to “bother” your staff (except in rare, emergency situations of course) outside their work hours with work related questions and responsibility. If you find yourself consistently contacting people outside work hours chances are that there’s a big problem at play. You may have “bottlenecks” within your operations and you should …