Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses

Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses. Each of us have different skills and talents and we should leverage them for our success. These qualities will complement qualities of others as you build or join teams and with everyone working together towards a unified vision, success is guaranteed. Contrary to what you may have heard in the past, …

Prerequisite for success: transparent leadership

In order for a team to work well together, leadership must be transparent. Leaders need to keep the entire team on the same page; have them collaborate; back each other and move in unison towards mutually agreed-upon goals. Transparent leadership where vision, mission and decisions are clearly communicated and supported with valid facts and arguments is a must for all …

Build diverse teams

Build teams that are as diverse as possible. Hiring carbon copies of yourself is counterproductive and provides no value to you, the team or the organization as a whole. You want and need people of different races, ethnicity, education, experiences…as you never know where that next great idea may come from. You want originality and uniqueness to be embodied in …

Successful future depends on today’s actions

Being envious, jealous and even hateful of others’ success is quite easy and common yet it is completely pointless and quite limiting. Instead of focusing on their own plans and goals, quite a few people seem to be content looking at others through a murky lens of envy. Being passive and accepting your current state while others thrive, advance and …

Take your talents where they belong

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or lack challenges where you currently are, please leave. Life is way too short for you to waste it away where you don’t belong. Think about your talents and capabilities and then take them where they would have the greatest positive impact on lives of others. Providing value to others will result in revenue generation …