In order for a team to work well together, leadership must be transparent. Leaders need to keep the entire team on the same page; have them collaborate; back each other and move in unison towards mutually agreed-upon goals. Transparent leadership where vision, mission and decisions are clearly communicated and supported with valid facts and arguments is a must for all …
Honest communication
Demonstrate clear appreciation and respect for your community, staff, clients and partners by communicating honestly. While at times you may not be able to disclose everything known to you you should still be honest when it comes to the direction, planning and strategy that you intend to take. Don’t lie to people and don’t go out of your way to …
Engage, listen, learn then lead
Embrace the ideas of others, invite and enable all to share their opinions, ideas and suggestions as only then you will begin to align and improve. Additionally, if your ideas get challenged (in a professional and respectful manner) publicly, appreciate and respect people’s ideas and suggestions and take them under advisement. Finally, don’t be vindictive towards those who respectfully present …
Include people and lead together
One can never be too informed. Get as much valuable and relevant information as you can so that you can act on that information, make decisions and lead people. The best way to do this is to actually include people and ask for their input, their ideas and suggestions. Include people and lead together.
Enable people to contribute
As you work with people from different departments, divisions, even different companies you may come to realize that their work may be based on varying levels of quality and expectations. Before getting upset or immediately escalating to their supervisors please try to understand the full picture as to what they may be dealing with. They could be severely understaffed, overworked …
Lack of leadership? Fill the void
If you happened to be on a team or in an organization where leadership is lacking to provide what’s necessary for staff to be successful not everything is lost. While your options are somewhat “limited” you can do some of the following: you can accept your faith complain, which won’t do you any good leave (always an option) or do …
Clear responsibilities and structure
Individual responsibilities for each employee must be clearly communicated and understood by both sides, employee and supervisor. These responsibilities mush also be shared with the entire team as well as with other teams they regularly interact with. People need to know who does what and how they contribute to the entire team and the entire organizational mission, strategy and vision. …
Organizational policies must be communicated
Whether it is a new policy or an update to an existing one, all changes must be clearly communicated across the organization and an official start date needs to be set. Furthermore, enterprise policies needs to be written with your organization, people, culture in mind – don’t simply copy them from other organizations as they won’t make sense in your …
Get to the point
Have something intelligent and valuable to say? Please get to it by all means and do it today if possible. 😉 Many people have a ton of valuable ideas, yet they either don’t share them (for whatever reason) or end up taking way too long to get their point across. If are part of a team it is important to …