Ask for help

When in need, ask for help. Most people are inherently good people and will offer help when asked. Chances are that someone in your circle of family, friends or co-workers has a solution or knows someone else who can help you. Ask for help and be amazed at what happens next.

Telecommuting: be flexible on work locations

As long as people are accountable, productive and valuable to your organization in most instances it shouldn’t matter where they work from. Don’t dismiss telecommuting as soon as you hear it mentioned, but rather do your diligence and consider it within your environment. It can go a long way in boosting morale, productivity and contributions (not to mention less people …

Organizational policies must be communicated

Whether it is a new policy or an update to an existing one, all changes must be clearly communicated across the organization and an official start date needs to be set. Furthermore, enterprise policies needs to be written with your organization, people, culture in mind – don’t simply copy them from other organizations as they won’t make sense in your …