Leadership is not a popularity contest

Leadership is not a popularity contest. Privileges of leadership come with responsibilities to make decisions that positively impact the lives of the majority and the firm as a whole. It is very rare that you will be able to make decisions that will be well received by everyone, by 100% of the people impacted by that decision. With that in …

Personality, communication, negotiation and leadership

85% of your financial success depends on your personality, the way you communicate, negotiate and lead. Only 15% depends on your technical skills. Knowing this it is essential to focus on improving those essential skills while building your networks and friendships. While in some career technical skills will be of greater value and impact, as you grow and advance up …

Progress equals happiness

Progress = happiness! Success arrives at the end of a sequence of steps, generally in smaller, more manageable increments. Success is rarely an event, but rather an outcome of a process, dedication and hard work. With that in mind, focus on small, incremental improvements and progress, not changing yourself as that will happen on its own in due time. Take …

5 ways to remain cool, calm and collected

5 things to consider as you are dealing with challenging individuals or situations. No matter what happens, staying cool, calm and collected with benefit you. Here are 5 areas to focus on when you are dealing with events which are not worthy of your time, effort or attention. Look at the big picture and the issue’s relevance Look at the …

Stop wasting time, you can’t buy it back

Don’t waste time. In life, in business, in career, in all you do, wasting time is a significant deficiency for most and it should be taken more seriously as time can’t be bought back, it can’t be recouped. If you know that a particular place is no longer the right fit for you, it is critical not to continue wasting …

What you focus on today will determine your tomorrow

Focus = future. What you are focusing on today will undoubtedly determine your tomorrow. Your intent, your focus, your actions along with your skills, talent, education and experience will determine your level of success. All of us spend too much time, effort and energy on things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of life and don’t have the expected …