Respect employees’ personal time

Respect your employees personal time. Please do your best not to “bother” your staff (except in rare, emergency situations of course) outside their work hours with work related questions and responsibility. If you find yourself consistently contacting people outside work hours chances are that there’s a big problem at play. You may have “bottlenecks” within your operations and you should …

Don’t apologize for your opinions

Be authentic, transparent and most importantly, be who you are. Now, don’t confuse this with being confrontational or difficult for no apparent reason, what I actually refer to is sticking to your beliefs and opinions which are backed by facts, experience and values. If you have seriously considered all options and alternatives and you have formed an educated opinion don’t …

Appreciate what you have been given

I’ve just been asked to reset an account password on a computer used by a faculty member who recently passed away. It was a strange feeling to see this individual a week ago and now she’s gone. Her office was filled with papers, assignments and books she was working on. It’s a sobering experience and makes you pause a bit, …