Switching industries mid-career

Switching industries mid-career is a topic I come across frequently and those inquiring almost always doubt their abilities to make the switch successfully. While every industry and profession has its nuances, terminology and software used, the fundamental experience in areas such as leadership, management, technology, finances, marketing and the like don’t change that much. After all, P&L is P&L in …

Progress equals happiness

Progress = happiness! Success arrives at the end of a sequence of steps, generally in smaller, more manageable increments. Success is rarely an event, but rather an outcome of a process, dedication and hard work. With that in mind, focus on small, incremental improvements and progress, not changing yourself as that will happen on its own in due time. Take …

What’s your story?

What is your story? What is the excuse you keep telling yourself for not going after all the things you want and deserve in life, in career, in business, health, family…what is it, do you know? Now, that you are being honest with yourself, let’s take this moment to reflect on what you truly desire in life and career. Do …

What you focus on today will determine your tomorrow

Focus = future. What you are focusing on today will undoubtedly determine your tomorrow. Your intent, your focus, your actions along with your skills, talent, education and experience will determine your level of success. All of us spend too much time, effort and energy on things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of life and don’t have the expected …