Take your talents where they belong

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or lack challenges where you currently are, please leave. Life is way too short for you to waste it away where you don’t belong. Think about your talents and capabilities and then take them where they would have the greatest positive impact on lives of others. Providing value to others will result in revenue generation …

Delegating work and responsibilities

You have heard people speak of the importance of delegating work and responsibilities, but you still question its merit and value. You don’t know whether it is the right thing for you to do as you want to be in control and trust yourself the most (maybe even, only yourself?). Let me begin by stating that trusting yourself is extremely …

Professional references

Resume and the cover letter are done, now onto references. When deciding who to ask to be your reference consider folks who are your professional level or even higher. Focus on people you have worked with and who can honestly give a knowledgeable and obviously favorable review of your performance, achievements and character. Additionally, make sure to ask people you …