Leaders own problems and provide solutions, not excuses

Leadership is about solutions, collaboration, motivation and empowerment. In order to be successful as a leader you must be honest, transparent and accountable. You must take ownership of issues that lay within your area of responsibility and leadership and move towards their ultimate resolutions. When they came into existence is less important than what will you do to solve them.

Excuses don’t matter, your work does

Excuses are frequently irrelevant, cheap and everyone has at least a few. While it is important to learn from previous decisions and actions, it is equally as important not to spend too much time stuck in the past. Learn from the past, assess your current state, communicate present outcomes, but spend all of your time, effort and energy on moving …

Don’t blame others, help them

A mistake was made, what should one do next? The easiest thing for some people is to point fingers at others and take no responsibility for their own actions. While this selfish behavior might help them in that particular instance, long term, it will hurt them, their reputation, integrity and future relationships within the organization. Be a man or a …

You get what you pay for

When making enterprise decisions look beyond the initial cost and consider total cost of ownership (TCO), usability and user experience. While current cost is an important line item it shouldn’t be the main (or only) factor to consider when deciding which systems or services to implement or who to hire and promote. Look at the overall value that particular enterprise …