Diversify your experience

Get things done, work on expanding your experience and help as many people as you can on your journey. Diversify your experience, don’t get stuck doing the same thing year after year…focus on growing, making progress and learning new things. Furthermore, be a team player, contribute, help others and don’t focus only on what’s in it for you. During this …

Presidents won’t solve your problems

As we all strive for progress and greater accomplishments, it is important to understand that each of us are creators of our own destiny. Presidents or anyone else for that matter are not the ones who will solve your problems. Spending more time with family and friends; attaining a better job; earning more money; buying a vacation home, cars, boats, …

Best job interview advice: be yourself!

Job interviews are an important and (for most) unavoidable process in transition between your current place of employment and the next chapter of your career. While I have made a video about in-person interview tips, I want to take a moment to focus on the most important advice of them all: be yourself! No matter what happens or what you …

People don’t leave companies, people leave their managers

People don’t leave companies they leave leaders! We have all heard and experienced this notion in one form or another. You either know someone who has or you have left a company due to poor leadership, I know I have. Furthermore, if your firm is experiencing high turnover (and it is not an intentional “house cleaning”) it is undoubtedly in …