Plan ahead, but live in the moment

Plan ahead, but live in the moment. Don’t allow today to be wasted because you are daydreaming about next week, month, year or even a decade. Always have long-term plans and goals, but work hard each day to get that much closer to those goals. Make progress one day at a time, patiently, yet efficiently and effectively.

Lead by example

Dear leaders, you must lead by example and as such you should never ask anyone on your teams to do things you haven’t done in the past or anything you wouldn’t do today. While you may not be as good as others on your team in a particular area (out of practice), it is essential to demonstrate your willingness to …

Are you an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Becoming an entrepreneur, a successful CEO who has built their business from the ground up is filled with challenges, trials and tribulations and as such it shouldn’t be taken lightly. For most people, being a #4 or #14 in an organization is a much more manageable, acceptable and stress-free arrangement, one they welcome and …