Like it or not, you still have to work together

Personalities clash and people have disagreements, but those shouldn’t become insurmountable obstacles towards collaboration, productivity and advancement. Difference of opinions, ideas and originality is what makes organizations what they are and what they are yet to become. Whether you have initially (un)successfully collaborated with someone or not shouldn’t determine your long-term relationship and collaboration efforts. Make an effort, reach out …

Engage, listen, learn then lead

Embrace the ideas of others, invite and enable all to share their opinions, ideas and suggestions as only then you will begin to align and improve. Additionally, if your ideas get challenged (in a professional and respectful manner) publicly, appreciate and respect people’s ideas and suggestions and take them under advisement. Finally, don’t be vindictive towards those who respectfully present …

Enable people to contribute

As you work with people from different departments, divisions, even different companies you may come to realize that their work may be based on varying levels of quality and expectations. Before getting upset or immediately escalating to their supervisors please try to understand the full picture as to what they may be dealing with. They could be severely understaffed, overworked …

When possible, promote from within

When possible, promote from within as this keeps employees motivated and it shows there’s room for growth and opportunities. Organizations should also focus on mentoring employees by helping them discover their strengths. Additionally, promoting from within will greatly aid in creation of the culture of collaboration, effort, commitment and the overall success. Having said that it is important to note …