Rules of engagement

Learn the system and the rules of the game before you begin playing it. Same applies to your organizations, industries or markets. Learn what works, what doesn’t, how are decisions made and who is able to influence the outcomes and contribute to performance. Once you have done your homework, leverage what you have learned for your future actions in service …

Delusional optimism

Being optimistic, positive and confident is always a better option then the alternative. However, it is important not to ignore challenges, problems and issues you and your organization (perhaps even the entire industry) are facing today. Delaying, postponing, deferring challenging conversations and decisions will almost always come back to haunt you with even a higher price tag. Face the music, …

Surround yourself with amazing people

Promote, encourage and even demand learning and exchanges of ideas across your organizations and your teams. As I often say, best ideas must win and as such it is essential for leaders to create environments where it is safe to fail, safe to dissent and have respectful, collaborative conversations. Surround yourself with amazing people. People who are passionate, excited and …

Best leaders are approachable and welcoming

If you were to take a moment and think about some of the great leaders you have worked with (hopefully you were fortunate enough to work for a few) what are some of their characteristics that were common across the board? One that comes to my mind, without a doubt, was their approach-ability and willingness to be there for staff. …

It’s simple: treat people how you want to be treated

When working with others, always do your best to be professional, respectful and courteous. Provide them respect, attention and dignity. No matter where they may work, above it all, they are people, just like you and your leadership role makes you even more accountable to ensure fair treatment of all employees. This extends across everyone you meet and work with …