CIOs are joining Boards of Directors

Technology is a the core of nearly everything we do in modern business and as such it needs to be considered as one of the greatest opportunity and difference makers around. With this in mind, it is natural to see more and more technology executives, most frequently Chief Information Officers (CIOs) joining both boards and top management teams. These teams …

Be a leader, not a decision maker

Leadership is earned, not given and as such you need to justify your privilege to lead others. Your title alone is not enough to make you a leader. Your position as a CEO, CIO, CFO, CMO, President, Vice President…gives you an opportunity to make decisions, not necessarily lead people forward. To lead others you must win their hearts and minds, …

Push your employees over the edge then be there to catch them

Push your employees “off the edge” and be there to help them land safely. Get them out of their comfort zone and enable their growth, advancement and provide them with opportunities. At times, you will come across folks who lack confidence and belief in their abilities and it is on you as a leader to find a way to reinvigorate …

Share the spotlight

Share opportunities with your team and empower your staff to get actively involved at the highest strategic levels. This exposure and recognition at the executive level will enable people to have a better understanding of the strategic priorities and realign themselves with that in mind. Furthermore, don’t keep all strategic, leadership projects and responsibilities for yourself, but rather share them …

Best ideas must win

Best ideas must win. They must win irrespective of who brought them up and how long that person has been with your organization. Whether they are a CEO, a President, or another executive or a temporary employee who started last week, quality ideas must always be enabled to rise to the top. Diversity of opinions, experiences, backgrounds and education is …

How to present ideas successfully

First concept to understand and keep in mind is that there are no functional projects or ideas. They all must contribute to the overall business success and should always be presented and implemented in that way. Additionally, you must know your audience; establish trust, familiarity and context with those you are presenting/pitching to and show them data (simple and visually …

New? Listen, absorb and learn, then act

Started a new job? First order of business is to listen, absorb and learn the culture, environment and players within. Depending on your placement within the organization the impact of your decisions and actions will vary and as such it is essential to educate yourself with the current state of affairs. Your experience is essential, but don’t assume that every …