Why you should market IT services

Marketing your services and products is essential in order to make sales, increase revenue, make your payroll and ultimately survive. Having that in mind, why is it that IT leadership frequently believes (or certainly acts that way) that their services shouldn’t be marketed across their organizations and beyond? Why do they believe that others will just magically become aware of …

Share the spotlight

Share opportunities with your team and empower your staff to get actively involved at the highest strategic levels. This exposure and recognition at the executive level will enable people to have a better understanding of the strategic priorities and realign themselves with that in mind. Furthermore, don’t keep all strategic, leadership projects and responsibilities for yourself, but rather share them …

Culture of innovation, creativity and progress

Building your culture is a hard work that needs to be thought out strategically, planned carefully and implemented one step at a time. The process of bringing everyone to a new standard of performance, new standard of thinking takes time and it is not something one can achieve over night. With that in mind, it is essential to remain committed …

Manage egos, collaborate, communicate and include others

Manage egos and put the needs of everyone ahead of any individual needs. Collaborate, communicate and leverage skills and experience from other teams, groups and departments for the betterment of the entire organization. If other teams as asking to get involved, don’t take that as encroachment, but rather look at it as an extended, helping hand intended to contribute in …

Our leaders lack self awareness

Self-awareness is essential for everyone, and it is even more important for those in leadership positions with strategic responsibilities. Leaders must know what their strengths are and even more importantly they must know what are the areas where they are not as comfortable at this time. Continue educating yourself, continue expanding and building your experience portfolio, but be aware of …