Don’t chase perfection, chase progress

Perfection is elusive and frequently unattainable. This is why it is important to focus on making daily incremental advancements towards the ultimate goal. Rome wasn’t built over night and neither will most of your projects or strategic and operational services. Collaborate, communicate and work together with your colleagues to advance your current state into what you all believe it can …

Innovate first, take the lead

As you notice opportunities for improvements, both strategic and operational, take the lead, innovate first and get those advancements in place. Don’t worry about getting the credit or recognition and don’t do it with that motivation in mind. Focus on improving lives of others, such as your clients, your team, your partners and after all, yourself. Recognition for achievements will …

Challenge everything: Long term incompetence is not a tradition

We can always do better, be better and so can our businesses and organizations. If you see areas that you believe can be improved (based on your knowledge and experience of course) please act on that. Processes, staffing, functional performance, operational needs, strategic alignment…they can all be improved and you can help – make them better today than they were …