Always learn from the best

Always learn from the best, whenever possible, that is. Do whatever you can to surround yourself with people who are leaders of their businesses and industries where you can listen, learn and ask questions. Be intentional about your personal growth, education and advancement, take charge and act proactively towards unlocking new learning opportunities. Remember, this is YOUR life, ACT like …

When is it time to make a career move

Lack of progress (both personal and professional) over a long period of time is indicative that it might be time for you to begin exploring other options. It is important to understand that at some point in time, it is no longer valuable to you to keep hoping that things will change, especially things over which you may not have …

People who don’t belong in meetings

Ahhh meetings…the place where so much time is wasted, never to be recovered again. While, in my experience, half of them are entirely useless, at times it is essential to bring the right people together to make decisions, take actions and move forward. When it comes to inviting people to join a meeting here are a few types you shouldn’t …

How to find a new job

How to find a new job? A question, we have all asked ourselves at some point and more importantly, we had to answer it. When it’s time to move on from your current position or place of employment it is essential to be strategic about your next move. First, research the position and who it reports to. Your direct supervisor …