As you begin a new job, there are many things to consider and do in your first few months. In addition to researching your new boss, leadership team, organizational reputation, products, services, financials (all of this BEFORE you accept a position of course), I have found the following things to be valuable as well. First, do your best to meet …
Sabotaging your job interview
Have you ever intentionally sabotaged your job interview? And I don’t mean you could have been a bit less lazy with your resume or a cover letter, I mean, intentionally, half way through the process decided that that opportunity wasn’t it and you have found ways to “throw” the interview and the entire search process? Well, I did, twice and …
Keep applying
If you have done your research and have reflected on what you want to do next, please don’t quit until that goal has been achieved. No matter how many times you get rejected or don’t get a response at all, it is up to you to keep applying and moving forward. Don’t quit on yourself, no matter how challenging it …
Looking for a new job? Here’s what to focus on
First, it’s not the corner office, or the title, perks, bonuses, corporate cards or cars. While all of those are nice to have (and will need to be addressed during interviews), they shouldn’t be your primary areas of focus. Instead, begin by focusing on earning the opportunity to get as close as possible to the core mission of the business …
How to find a new job
How to find a new job? A question, we have all asked ourselves at some point and more importantly, we had to answer it. When it’s time to move on from your current position or place of employment it is essential to be strategic about your next move. First, research the position and who it reports to. Your direct supervisor …