Don’t blame others, help them

A mistake was made, what should one do next? The easiest thing for some people is to point fingers at others and take no responsibility for their own actions. While this selfish behavior might help them in that particular instance, long term, it will hurt them, their reputation, integrity and future relationships within the organization. Be a man or a …

Spend company’s money as you would your own

Fiscal responsibility of a budget is exactly that, a responsibility, not a right. This privilege should not be treated lightly and should be approached with rationale, integrity and accountability. As you are making purchases focus on the needs of your team and those you work with and support. Once the needs are addressed and if budget permits, only then should …

Clear responsibilities and structure

Individual responsibilities for each employee must be clearly communicated and understood by both sides, employee and supervisor. These responsibilities mush also be shared with the entire team as well as with other teams they regularly interact with. People need to know who does what and how they contribute to the entire team and the entire organizational mission, strategy and vision. …

Delegating work and responsibilities

You have heard people speak of the importance of delegating work and responsibilities, but you still question its merit and value. You don’t know whether it is the right thing for you to do as you want to be in control and trust yourself the most (maybe even, only yourself?). Let me begin by stating that trusting yourself is extremely …

Organizational policies must be communicated

Whether it is a new policy or an update to an existing one, all changes must be clearly communicated across the organization and an official start date needs to be set. Furthermore, enterprise policies needs to be written with your organization, people, culture in mind – don’t simply copy them from other organizations as they won’t make sense in your …