Professional references

Resume and the cover letter are done, now onto references. When deciding who to ask to be your reference consider folks who are your professional level or even higher. Focus on people you have worked with and who can honestly give a knowledgeable and obviously favorable review of your performance, achievements and character. Additionally, make sure to ask people you …

Never stop learning

Learning is essential and as such should never stop. Do what you can to broaden your horizons each and every day; learn something new and don’t forget to contribute to your respective areas and professions as well. Educate yourself formally and informally, get involved (attend conferences, seminars; read books, journals, websites…) and expand your experiences. Do all of this with …

Real hosting company

Below is the e-mail I received yesterday from 1and1, my web hosting provider of choice. They have informed me of future hardware upgrades and downtime in their data center where my sites are located. Now this is something simple to do, yet it helps them differentiate from some of the other hosts who are not as professional and courteous. While …