Don’t chase perfection, chase progress

Perfection is elusive and frequently unattainable. This is why it is important to focus on making daily incremental advancements towards the ultimate goal. Rome wasn’t built over night and neither will most of your projects or strategic and operational services. Collaborate, communicate and work together with your colleagues to advance your current state into what you all believe it can …

Why avoiding conflict can hurt you and others

Avoiding conflicts is generally a solid advice to follow. However, at times, disagreements (perhaps a better term) are unavoidable. By this I refer to those moments when someone needs to speak up in support of others and with collaboration and progress in mind. However, even during these disagreements one needs to remain professional, respectful and polite, but the points of …

Make progress and don’t compare yourself to others

Make progress, don’t chase perfection and most importantly don’t compare yourself to others. Move towards your goals each day and don’t get discouraged by seeing someone who is at this time further along the path than you may be. Most of them have started from zero, and with time, effort, hustle and commitment have advanced to their present state. You …

Progress is a beautiful thing

Photo Source: Earlier today I attended a meeting with two very intelligent individuals who have significantly improved their respective areas with every day they have spent here. One of them used to work on my team, but has since moved onto bigger and “better” 😉 things at a different department and has made significant strides towards increasing their productivity …