Progress is a beautiful thing

Human Evolution
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Earlier today I attended a meeting with two very intelligent individuals who have significantly improved their respective areas with every day they have spent here. One of them used to work on my team, but has since moved onto bigger and “better” 😉 things at a different department and has made significant strides towards increasing their productivity and effectiveness. The other is one of the most knowledgeable Mac guys we have on campus and one of the nicest people to know and work with.

Today, we talked about our anti-virus enterprise vendor of choice and how to implement its Helpdesk Console locally (at a college level) in order to segment monitoring and improve the overall response time should an attack occur across our systems. We have talked about functionality, policies and settings and are all in agreement as to how to proceed and implement this important component in securing our campus infrastructure and faculty/staff/students’ data. The following step should take place next week when we begin the local implementation in our college and therefore take on additional responsibility in monitoring machines operating on our subnets.

While this might be a small step or a step already taken by some organizations, here it is that of necessity, importance and definite sign of progress. This is not the first major improvement taking place across our enterprise, but it is one of great importance towards achieving our overall goal of efficient, stable and secure operating environment.

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