Facebook updated their news feed, made it real-time and moved it to the right (right above chat). This could be a nice change considering the growth of both screen resolutions and monitor sizes and as well all know instant gratification is highly rated nowadays, so the real-time component will be much appreciated. Now, if I could only opt-out of being …
Google social search
About a week ago I noticed (as I’m sure many of you did) a new feature of Google Search, Social Search (BETA). It basically leverages your Google Profile and the information you provided to expand your search into online posts of those you consider friends, followers, etc. While this is another great advancement coming from Google inline toward the “ultimate” …
Facebook’s new privacy settings
Facebook is finally catching up to some of their perpetual security concerns and is strengthening their privacy policy and therefor the settings as well. It took a while but as of this morning (when I noticed the change) privacy settings have been tightened a bit and are finally working as expected. It will take some time for majority of folks …